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Commentaire de carbonic

Yes they have a good droprate for motes of mana but a single person will have to wait for them to respawn because there is so few. A shame really.

Commentaire de tanoh

They are immune to frost so, frost mages be aware.

Commentaire de ilovemrdoe

For an affliction warlock, I recomend the fish in the pond outside shattrath, they have a lower drop rate, but you can literally take as many as you like down, they hit for 100 every 2 secs and siphon life heals you

150-200 every 3, so you heal more than they dmg you, pop a low rank CoA on just ot make sure they do die, and you can just for hours, imp out for dark pact and there's no stopping you :).

Commentaire de Scaz

An excellent area for grinding Motes of Water (if you have it to yourself!!). As with all these mote farming area'a in Nagrand, can be a little over-competitive.

Commentaire de Rujiji

Just got Pauldrons of surging mana from one of these.

Killed about 10 of em

Commentaire de Kairar

Those are a world drop. Posting which specific NPC you got them from is not helpful at all.

Commentaire de RationalSolution

I farm this area when i can going in a clockwise direction starting in the entrance from the fire elementals. A earth elemental spawns here and i can clear the whole circut and net roughly 6 primals an hour with the rotation. I never have to wait on respawns and there are plenty of places to stop and drink if i need to.

Commentaire de Rabido

Commentaire de Nalvawrath

Mages, use your frost ward when you engage them. Their melee attacks as well as water bolts are classed as frost damage. Shouldn't take any damage.

Commentaire de Swiftblade

One of these actually dropped a rare Design for me today. Design: Dazzling Talasite.

Commentaire de Kitherlia

I would say this is a good place to farm motes of water, definitly. The drop rate is very nice and u have a primal very fast. But I wouldn't count on beeing alone here.
The mobs ar around lvl 70-72, and u need a Flying mount to get here.

Commentaire de Savvz

I've just killed 25 of these and only 1 mote dropped, either the drop rate has been nerfed in 2.4.3 or I'm a very unlucky person.

Commentaire de Psyxer

To respond a first comment: no, u dont need flying mount to get to that area. I mean its not the only way.U can die nearly, and ur spirit will appear at graveyard at the top of plateau. Thats it. Sure, u have to accept "blessing of spirit healer" but if u do want to get up there, it worth it.

Commentaire de Katastrophic

Also Frost DK's beware they are immune to any frost attacks. I am a frost dk myself and when it usually takes me 15 secs to kill 3-4 mobs at a time i found it difficult to kill these because my spell rotation was changed.

Commentaire de allibutt01

they are not immumed to frost. i am a frost mage and i am killing them just fine

Commentaire de Obsydius

12+ kills, not a single mote. I wouldn't waste time farming here.

Commentaire de Chk177

The person behind the other Cataclysm-comment here about drop rate was certainly hit hard by the rng bat.
My sample is not something you can rely on, because I only killed 10 elementals, and I received 8 motes. The point with this comment is not to say "OMG DROP RATE BUFFED, 80 % GUYZZ", but rather show that the drop rate has not been nerfed as the other comment might slighty suggest. It's all rng, but still the best mobs to kill for Mote of Water it seems.
In addition if you have 375 fishing you should be able to fish from the 'Pure Water' pools without receiving too much junk, and those are excellent sources for motes as well, I got an average of 3,5 motes from each pool and it takes about 1,5 minutes to "empty" one.

Commentaire de ssscrudddy

Well I killed 7 of these & got 10 Granule d'eau. The drop rate says 34% for 1-2, I got at least 1 every time. I was lvl 65 DK at the time so I had to recharge health (by flying away on my mount & waiting) after each kill. I also got 4 Echantillon de poudre de cristal d'Oshu'gun (& 7 elemental fragment vendor trash). 1st March 2012

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